Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Hello Artists!

I hope you all have been able to get outside and enjoy the fresh air and MUD! I know I have. As I was taking a walk the other day, I was captivated by the oozy muddy tire tracks I was walking on and decided to turn it into a piece of art! I really loved the geometric shapes and patterns I saw. I really did not have a plan to make this drawing this way but I just let my imagination take control of my pencils! The repeated shapes reminded me of the artist, Piet Mondrian.

I call this piece, "The Muddy Mondrian". I began with a pencil and then used watercolor to fill it in.

Inspiration can come from anywhere! Take a walk, play outside, draw or capture what you see! Use any materials you have available!

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, March 23, 2020

My boys and I signed in with Mo Willems today for Lunch Doodles! It is really cool to see the author and illustrator at work. Feel free to share your doodles! All doodles can be accessed here.

*CORRECTION: Doodles are happening each weekday

Friday, March 20, 2020

Hey Doodlers....

MONDAY, at 1 p.m. if you are able to, please check out kid's author, Mo Willems' "Lunch Doodle" video! When else can you draw with the world-famous author and illustrator of the beloved Don't Let the Pidgeon Drive the Bus, Knuffle Bunny, and the Elephant and Piggy series?!

You can join the fun, here! This is SOOOOO cool ya'lls! Come draw with me!

P.S. Check out the Useful Art Links page for oodles of hours of art fun and discovery! :)


Your Wacky Art Teacher

Happy Friday, my AMAZING artists! I can honestly say I have missed you all so much this week! I hope you all have found time to create some art! My heart was full as I received numerous social media posts and e-mails from families of students drawing, painting and sculpting. <3

The great thing about art is that it can be done anywhere with anything
Have a pencil and scrap paper? You can make art!
Have a recycle bin full of cardboard and toilet paper tubes (if you were lucky enough to find toilet paper!)? You can make art!
Have a chalkboard or whiteboard? You can make art!
Look outside...mud sculptures anyone?! ha ha! You can make art!
Have a computer? You can make art!
Besides being busy painting in my own art studio, my sons, Tyler (9) and Dylan (11) have been busy creating art at home this week.
With parent permission, click on this link to make a Minecraft Bumblebee with Art for Kids Hub and "remember, the most important thing is to HAVE FUN!" ~Rob

Here is what Tyler and I created...Enjoy! Please feel free to share your creations!

Getting to know Mrs. Libby!

Hello! A little glimpse at who I am...I am an art teacher to amazing and imaginative students at Samuel Morey and Westshire Elementary schools. At home, I am a mom to two wonderful boys, an artist, a student (one can never stop learning), a lover of fitness, reading, movies, music, travel and spending time with my family. 

I studied at Elmira College, in Elmira, New York under a professor, Marc Dennis, a Brooklyn, New York-based artist and received my BA in Art Education K-12. I have been teaching ever since, as my passion is to cultivate a love and appreciation for art and learning into the hearts and minds of our young students.

"Art is not what you see, but what you make others see."

 WELCOME BACK ARTISTS!  Well, almost welcome back! I hope you enjoy your last full week of summer vacation and take this week to gear up fo...