Thursday, May 28, 2020

Hello wonderful artists!

I have such fun creating while I am home and I have been finding that all the things I have been creating are all the things around me that I see!

This week, I noticed some toys sitting in my living room windowsill. The site made me laugh and I just had to draw it! I wonder what these dinosaurs are thinking about? Do they want to be outside in the field of dandelions? Are they thinking about the time when dinosaurs used to roam the earth?

What toys do you like to play with? I challenge you this week to pick a favorite toy to draw. 

Here are a couple links for some guided toy drawings if you choose.

How to draw a stuffed animal puppy.
How To Draw Boo The Cutest Dog In The World

How to draw Kai Ninjago Lego.
How To Draw Kai From Ninjago

How to draw a beach ball.
How To Draw A Beach Ball With Templates


Thursday, May 21, 2020

Another quarantine Friday!

K through Second grades should check last Friday's blog post and continue that assignment. There are a lot of choices there and students can easily follow along to the drawing prompts!

Happy drawing!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Hi All!

I am re-posting the Aloha Foundation Community drawing project. As the state starts opening back up, we will be able to hit the trail on the Horizon's campus to see student art. That art can be YOURS! Send me a picture of your artwork. The theme is ANYTHING you want! The sky is the limit! The artwork can even be something you have done in the past that you are proud of and want to share! Let's just create and have fun!

Here are a couple of sites that may inspire you!

Sketchpad - Create digital drawings and you can even save a share with me!

ArtforKidsHub - Here is a link for some fresh Spring guided drawings. May is 'flower' month!

For Mother's Day, my son drew me a picture of my favorite flowers, the red poppy!

If you are interested in this drawing, here is the link to create the Poppies

Send to:

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Happy end of the week!

Spring flowers are sprouting everywhere, just in time to have a snowstorm in the forecast for this weekend! That could make for some beautiful Vermont landscape drawings, paintings or photography! It is also Mother's Day on Sunday.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to draw a flower with radial symmetry. Who can tell me what radial symmetry means? Feel free to color it in however you choose and with whatever materials you have handy. Older students can add more details and add shading. This could make a wonderful gift to someone special!

Don't forget to turn in your Aloha Foundation 'Joy' artwork!

Have a great weekend!

1. Write your name on the back of your paper then turn over paper.
2. Trace or draw a circle shape in the center of your paper.
3. Draw a curved line to create one part of the petal.
4. Add a curved line to the other side to complete the petal.
5. Continue repeating this shape all the way around your circle. Turn your paper as you go!
6. When there are empty spaces, draw petals behind the first row
7. Add lines for details
8. Paint or color center of the flower
9. Paint or color petals. Try using more than one more color.
10. Paint or color background a different color than the flower. Can you cover all the white paper?

Monday, May 4, 2020

"May the Fourth be with you"! 

A celebration of George Lucas's iconic movies.


Join YouTube sensation and art teacher, Cassie Stephens to make a pop-out baby Yoda!
video thumbnail

Make sure to post your pictures of your baby Yoda to share!

Friday, May 1, 2020

The Aloha Foundation - Home | Facebook
The Drawing
Community Project
The Aloha Foundation, Samuel
Morey Elementary & Westshire
Elementary School

Who: All SME & WES K-6th Grade Art Students in collaboration with The Aloha Foundation. What: Submit a drawing or other 2-D artwork to be displayed at the Horizon’s Trail. Each week, 15 pieces of student art will be chosen to be installed in a 12 x 15-inch frame along the half-mile trail.
When: Work will be collected over the next few weeks and placed in the frames. When Covid-19 passes and it is safe to reconvene, we hope to hold an open house for the walk. More details to follow.
Where: The Horizon’s campus Rt 244 across from the state boat launch
Why: ★ Get active & ★ Explore art while getting exercise & fresh air ★ To share art in the community

This week’s THEME: Something that brings you JOY!

 Clipart Earth
“The EARTH without ART is just ‘EH’”
Welcome to Mrs. Sledjeski's Art Class! - Our Lady of Wisdom ...
1. Think of something that brings you JOY
2. Draw your ideas on paper
3. Create your drawing!
*Use whatever materials you have on hand (paper, cardboard, crayons, markers, colored pencils, tissue paper...the sky is the limit)
4. Take a picture of your artwork or scan and e-mail it to Mrs.Libby:
When creating your art, think about:
neatness, creativity, does it have color? did you fill in all the white space? is it finished? is there anything I can do to it to make it my best work?

 WELCOME BACK ARTISTS!  Well, almost welcome back! I hope you enjoy your last full week of summer vacation and take this week to gear up fo...